Friday, June 12, 2009

View of Phnom Penh

Looking down from the plane on the way back from Malaysia to Phnom Penh city of Cambodia, you will see a nice or maybe not so nice view of many building and including Boeung Kok Lake located at the Heart of Phnom Penh being filled. Thousand of family surrounding are facing eviction with unfair compensation; millions of people living in the city are counted as affected people since the water flood is coverage everywhere during raining. (shot on June 09, 2009, 4:00pm)
Government of Cambodia has signed the concession project to a private company to develop this plot with hotel, super market and so on for $ 79 million. Civil society especially NGOs working for the housing rights and human rights such as Licadho, CLEC, ... have been questioning that $ 79 MILLION FOR WHO? This huge amound of money should be fairly compensated to those families living surrounding the lake but why the people are still fighting for their rights and reasonable compensation? Rights to housing, Rights to life, so on is existing in Cambodia Society yet? From my point of view, I would say no because there are many eviction cases to thousands of families has happened and continueing to happend and normally those evicted people are living in a small tent, no water, no electricity, no job, no health service, no rubbish collection, etc. The big question mark to me is WHY? WHY? WHY? and HOW? HOW? Why is it happening? How can we together deal with this issues?

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